Pet/Dog Insurance
This policy can be bought by an Insured who owns a pet dog and would like to have protection against various expenses that may be incurred in order to treat the covered dog in event of any accident or illness in accordance with the terms and conditions of the policy (referred to as Insured Dog hereinafter)
- Funeral Cost Cover
- Terminal Illness Cover
- Surgeries and Hospitalisation Cover
- Death Cover
- Third-Party Liability Cover
- Lost and Stolen Cover
- Emergency Pet Minding Cover
- Veterinary Consultations and Doctor on Call
All breed of dogs are covered under the policy subject to veterinary doctor certification as healthy and in sound condition. Classification of dogs breeds small/medium/large breeds/giant breed.
Category Weight Range (in KG)
- Small 0 – 10,
- Medium 10 – 25,
- Large 25 – 40, Giant 40+
Insurable age group:
- Entry age:6 months onwards up to the age of 4 years for giant breeds and 7 years for small, medium, and large breeds
- Exit age: 10 years for small, medium, and large breeds and up to the age of 6 years for giant breeds.
Note: The Insurable age is a general criterion and it may differ from Insurance company to company.
Pre-requisite Sum insured Insured Dog is required to be registered with Municipal Corporation or deemed local government authority or certified Kennel Club of India, or tagged/micro-chipped by the Insured. Along with the proposal form, the Insured is required to submit four photographs of the Insured Dog as per the specification given. The sum insured would be decided on the basis of health evaluation cum breed of the dog as certified by the veterinary doctor that constitutes part of the proposal form.
Some of the benefits under the policy are listed below and the claim amount under the policy shall always be subject to the sum insured specified against each benefit in the policy terms unless otherwise specified.
Funeral Cost Cover
The company shall pay a fixed amount for costs incurred towards burial or electric cremation of the Insured Dog at specified facilities on submission of photographs of the dead Insured Dog, proof of burial/cremation, and death certificate/post-mortem report signed by a veterinary doctor.
Terminal Illness Cover
The company shall pay the applicable sum insured specified in the schedule against this benefit, as a lump sum amount, in the event that the Insured Dog is diagnosed with any one or more terminal illnesses at first instance during the policy period, and provided that the Insured Dog survives for at least 30 days from the date of diagnosis of the terminal illness.
Surgery and Hospitalization (Inpatient) Cover
The company will indemnify the Insured for the reasonable medical expenses incurred towards the medically required treatment of the Insured Dog undertaken during the policy period for an illness, or injury or conditions contracted or sustained by the Insured Dog during the policy period.
Pre-hospitalization Medical Expenses
The company will indemnify the Insured for the reasonable medical expenses incurred within 15 days immediately succeeding the discharge of the Insured Dog from a veterinary hospital for the same illness as accepted in a claim for surgery or any medically required treatment of the Insured Dog under this cover, on a sole reimbursement basis. Medical Expenses.
Post-hospitalization Medical Expenses
Insurance company will indemnify the Insured for the reasonable medical expenses incurred within 15 days immediately preceding the admission of the Insured Dog to a veterinary hospital for the same illness as accepted in a claim for surgery or any medically required treatment of the Insured Dog under this cover, on a sole reimbursement basis. The expenses might not be paid in full as the percentage of the amount paid is linked to the age of the dog. The nature of expenses that would be covered in the policy is as below;
- Vet fees
- Diagnostics tests
- Medicines, drugs, and consumables
- Intravenous fluids, blood transfusion, injection administration charges
- Operation theatre charges
- Prosthetics and other devices or equipment if implanted internally during Surgical Procedure
- Intensive Care Unit charges.
Death Cover
The company will pay the sum insured as specified in the schedule, in the event that the insured dog dies due to an illness, or injury arising from an accident including fire, famine, riot, strike and civil commotion, surgery performed, or as a result of the vet putting the Insured Dog to sleep in order to alleviate its incurable and inhumane suffering due to an illness or accident during the policy period. In the event of the death of the Insured Dog, where such death is attributable to or caused due to a terminal illness, and where a claim under Terminal Illness Cover is already admitted under the policy, the company will pay the sum insured specified against this benefit in the schedule minus any sums already admitted for payment under the Terminal Illness Cover under the policy. For the clarification of any doubt, the applicable sum insured for the Death Cover shall be calculated on the basis of the health evaluation cum valuation certificate duly issued by a veterinary doctor, or as decided by the company at its sole discretion, but in any event, shall always be the amount specified in the schedule against this cover.
Claims Process
- Please note the information required for each type of claim should be sent to Insurance Company promptly.
- You can send any notice, letter, intimation or communication to our claim department for us to further inform the Insurance Company.
- Please note the company does not pay the cost charged by a vet to fill or provide a prescription.
- Always quote the policy number printed on your schedule for all the communication regarding the claim.
- On receipt of all required information/ documents that are relevant and necessary for the claim, the company shall, within a period of 30 days offer a settlement of the claim to the Insured. If the company, for any reasons, decides to reject a claim under the policy, it shall do so within a period of 30 days from the receipt of the last relevant and necessary document.
General Exclusions
The company shall not be liable to make any payment for any claim under the policy, directly or indirectly for, caused by, arising from or in any way attributable to any of the following:
- Accidents occurring and/or disease/Illness contracted prior to commencement of risk under this policy. This exclusion is not applicable for the policies renewed in continuity.
- Any claims for diseases for which preventive medicines/vaccines has not been taken.
- Any excess amount as shown in the schedule against each benefit in force under the policy.
- Any claims for costs or fees for experimental surgery/procedures.
- Any claims for costs incurred on alternate treatments.
- Any claim for treatment of disease or injury due to an accident to working dogs and volunteer dogs.
- Any loss or damage caused willfully or knowingly by the Insured, or any loss or damage in which the Insured or any person acting on his/her behalf, is involved or implicated.
- Any consequential loss, how so ever arising.
- Any claims for a dog not identified and identified in the schedule.
- Any claims arising outside the territorial limits of India.
- The confiscation or destruction of Insured Dog by government or public authorities, or under applicable laws.
- The Insured breaking any laws, or regulations, including those relating to animal health or importation.
- Any medication or treatment not recommended by a vet.
- Where fraud or mis-representation has been committed against the company or where false information has been provided to the company.
- Any loss where the Insured is entitled to indemnity under insurance cover under any other insurance policy.
- If the Insured Dog is sold or where any financial interest whatsoever is parted with by the Insured, whether temporarily or permanently.
- Any endemic disease as declared by the Indian local authorities or State or Central Government.
- Any illness that Insured Dog contracted while outside the territorial limits of India that it would not normally have contracted in India.
- Legal expenses, fines and penalties connected with, or resulting from, a criminal case or an act of Parliament made in India.
- Any claim for treatment of a third party as a result of the disease transmitted from animals to humans.
- Malicious or wilful injury or neglect, or gross negligence to Insured Dog caused by the Insured, his/her agent, employees or members of Insured’s Family and unskilful medical treatment.
- Any claim in respect of a dog, categorized as dangerous dogs by State or Central government authority.
- Any charges or fees billed by the treating vet to complete a claim form or to provide information to support the Insured’s claim.
- War, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, commotion, unrest, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or confiscation or nationalization or requisition of or damage by or under the order of any government or public local authority, riot, strike, or terrorism.
- Ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste or nuclear weapons material or from the combustion of nuclear fuel, or the radioactive toxic explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof.
- Any cost directly or indirectly arising or resulting from, or contributed to or by chemical, biological, biochemical or electromagnetic weapon, device, agent or material, whether controlled or uncontrolled, accidental or otherwise;
- Treatment to the teeth and gums of the Insured Dog is excluded except which is as a direct result of an injury caused by an accident to the Insured Dog.
- Costs resulting from an accident, injury or illness that first showed clinical signs and symptoms before the date of commencement of the policy.
- Costs resulting from an illness that first showed clinical signs and symptoms during the waiting period.
- Costs resulting from an accident, injury or illness that: i. is the same as or has the same diagnosis or clinical signs and symptoms as an accident, injury or illness of the Insured Dog before the date of commencement of the policy; ii. is caused by, relates to or results from an accident, injury, illness or clinical signs and symptoms existent before the date of commencement of the policy.