Life insurance is a contract between you and a life insurance company. You agree to pay for the policy on a regular basis, and the insurer agrees to pay a sum of money to your beneficiaries if you die. Within those parameters are several types of life insurance. We start with our customer's requirements to access their goals and drive towards solutions.
The obvious and most important benefit of insurance is the payment of losses. An insurance policy is a contract used to indemnify individuals and organizations for covered losses. The second benefit of insurance is managing cash flow in times of uncertainty. Insurance provides payment for covered losses when they occur.
Waiver of premium:
This feature facilitates the beneficiary of the waiver of the premium payment if life insured expires or is disabled.
Accelerated death benefit:
This feature allows you to receive cash advances against the death benefit of your policy if you're diagnosed with a terminal illness. Many people with this benefit use the money to help pay for treatment and other expenses when they have only a short time to live.
Guaranteed purchase option:
With this feature, you can purchase coverage at designated future dates or life events without proving you're in good health.
Long-term care riders:
Some life products include this option, which allows you to use the benefits of your policy to pay for long-term care in exchange for a reduced life benefit.
Cash withdrawals and loans:
Many universal and whole life policies allow you to withdraw or borrow money, using the cash value of the policy as collateral. Interest rates tend to be relatively low. You can also use the cash value of your life policy to pay your premiums if you need or want to stop paying premiums for a period of time.
Cash value plans:
This type of policy pays out upon your death and also accumulates value during your lifetime. You can use the cash value as a tax-sheltered investment, as a fund from which you can borrow and use to pay the policy premiums later.
Mortgage protection:
This feature, typically found on term life policies, will pay your mortgage if you die.
Spouse or child term riders:
Life policies with this feature allow you to purchase term life insurance for your spouse or dependent child, up to age 26. This option can be a more affordable way to purchase coverage if you can't afford separate policies.
Survivor support services:
Some life policies offer services that provide objective financial and legal assistance to beneficiaries.
Employee assistance programs:
This feature makes resources available to you for problems that can affect your personal and professional life. Resources are usually free and help address issues such as substance abuse, stress, marital problems, legal concerns and major life events.